Embracing My Uncomfortable By Learning and Doing


Some of my latest design projects for Color Marketing Group have started as simple graphics and then evolved into more dynamic videos. Why use a simple graphic when an action-packed video can do so much more! While it has been a big learning process, I have embraced that it was better to just forge ahead and learn as I go, or I would have been stuck in the concept phase. There are so many wonderful and free educational opportunities at our disposal.

I started using iMovie as a tool to create the Color Forecast Story videos to add a new dimension to CMG’s presentations at the annual Summit. When they were well-received, I knew I had to up my game and set a goal of doing even better the next year. That meant moving on to the bigger and better but way more complex Adobe software tools. Of course, I can look back and see that the first videos I created were full of problems and even the ones I’m doing now may make me cringe in the future. That would be a total creativity-kill if I continued with those doubts. Instead, I shift my focus to the fact that they are fun, and successful in conveying their message. As many would agree, it is a whole different ball game with social media and its fast-paced and fleeting imagery.

This year I have been working with the CMG Summit Planning Committee and our theme for the event was “Embrace the Uncomfortable.” It is more a motto now, that I have taken to heart as the year has progressed. While it has been a year of challenges, time marches on and we have to do what we can to grow with those challenges.  

This was a video announcing the Color Applications Workshops starting in January. A simple one using a purchased template and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out—low budget/fun!

The video below announces the distribution of what is now considered a CMG member benefit, the Color Story videos from the 2021+ World Color Forecast presentations. While I relied on a template , which is a huge timesaver, if I want to continue on this self-improvement journey I will have to break out of those molds. Creativity is FUN!

How will you continue to grow?


Happy Holidays!


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