Telling Stories


What better way to entice than with colorful visual images that are enhanced with movement, music and tell a story! Here are a couple of examples of quick videos that were created for Color Marketing Group to highlight the 2022 Key Colors for 2 of the regions from the World Color Forecast. In a snappy thirty seconds or so you can feel the essence of the color direction and gain an understanding of what makes that color tick.

Color is the first thing your eye registers when choosing a product. Make sure you have the right color selection for your customer. Colorfuel studies human behavior to understand the buyer’s mindset and we are able to forecast what those preferences will be in the next couple of years.

These videos are examples of not only understanding and highlighting those future color preferences but also how you can leverage that color knowledge into marketing and elevating your brand. Be the color leader in your industry.


Happy Colorful Holidays!


Updating and Clarifying